Sunday, September 13, 2009


For those of us who are not so familiar with that term it means "Fear of Lizards"

I have always been an animal lover and I also believe that all animals have as much right to live in this world as we all do.

I am simply in awe of crocodiles and snakes... so obviously the fear does not extend to all reptiles, and I find them fascinating.. so it is kind of weird that I will start screaming when ever I see a harmless lizard, I practically have to go in hiding and beg, cry and create a scene when ever I see a lizard. My mom or dad has to find them and get rid of them for me.. or I will bring the house down, I find them extremely gross and scary.. they come in so many different colors, sizes, etc...! Especially the pink and black ones... Double Ewwwwww..!
And if God ever created a master of camouflage these guys rank as NO 1...!
I have been fooled by these guys so many times in so many places.. They are simply every where and anywhere. While i would not hurt a lizard or try to kill it, I simply don't know how to handle the situation, how in the world do you get rid of these guys? I know they are more scared of me than I am of them.. My head asks me to remain cool and composed whereas the same head screams out.. run for cover, save yourself... this is a vicious, deadly reptile which will.. I don't know.. I couldn't think any further because my mind just freezes with panic after that.. This feeling is completely illogical, irrational and stupid, i know. But I still couldn't figure out how I can deal with these.. nerve wreckers!
Anyone got ideas?

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sunil said...
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